Bird of Passage

A Viera shrouded in mystery. Man’s fears and greed created him. After he experienced the consequences of his actions, he established a new chapter in his life. Now, with his earned new freedom, he set on a quest to become his own person. However, his past strolled not too far from him, ready to test his devotion. Will he become his old self, or will he phase through them in order to mend the lives he damaged?

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the basics *`

  • █ PSEUDONYM NAME : esen

  • █ RACE: rava viera

  • █ GENDER: cis-male

  • █ NAMEDAY: ???

  • █ AGE: ???

  • █ ORIENTATION: bisexual (male leaning)

  • █ MARTIAL STATUS: single

  • █ BIRTHPLACE: golmore jungle

  • █ RAISED: republic of landis

  • █ OCCUPATION: traveling merchant ; former ivth legion member

  • █ LANGUAGE: dalmascan, garlean, and common

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the physical *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  • █ HEIGHT: 5'9 ft | 175 cm

  • █ WEIGHT: 179 lb | 81 kg

  • █ BODY TYPE: lean muscular

  • █ HAIR: ivory long slickback hair

  • █ EYES: lavender

  • █ SKIN: honey

  • █ MARKINGS: angled long scar across the chest induced by spear, stabbed scars on the abdomen and thighs. missing left eye.

  • (edited on 9/1/2023)

  • █ CV: "now what? you must be here for something, right?"| toshiyuki morikawa"

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 combat info *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Fighting Style : Modified Red Magic/Spellblade (wip)

StrengthMelee CombatMagic CombatAgilityEndurance

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 trivia info *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  • █ He carries with him a metal cigarette case which holds aether-infused crystals shaped like lollipops.

  • █ His favorite pair of dress shoes conceal a hidden blade.

  • █ He has an apartment in Shirogane but his main residence is the Island Sanctuary.

  • █ His main route of trading are between Ilsabard, Thavnair,and Orthard .

  • █ Uses the alias Esen only when visiting Thavnair.

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the virtues *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  • RELIABLE: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.

  • _______▹ expect him to be there whatever the situation may be.

  • PROFICIENT: competent or skilled in doing or using something.

  • _______▹ serving in the legion has gained him many traits to become proficient. his mind is always thinking of solutions for any scenario that might come across.

  • DARING: adventurous or audaciously bold.

  • _______▹ with his new gained freedom, esen has taking a more daring personality. it can range from going to the most dangerous parts of the star to something as mundane as trying a challenge drink of a drink menu. he has been known to provoke anyone he comes across to test their resolution.

  • ATTENTIVE: attending to the comfort or wishes of others.

  • _______▹ esen has become good at attending to others' wishes. he has come across people who crave the attention of someone that would care for them, and sadly, esen would take advantage of that need to gain something out of it. perhaps deep inside, he wants someone to be attentive to him as he is attentive to them. even if it is superficial.

  • CONFIDENTIAL: indicating that what one says is private or secret.

  • _______▹ he likes his personal life to stay private, and thus will provide confidentiality when interacting. this could lead to blackmailing

  • IMMACULATE perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.

  • _______▹first impression always matter. esen likes to be presentable for any situation.

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the vices *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  • PRIDEFUL: having an excessively high opinion of oneself.

  • _______▹ he will come of as someone who's self-centered and untouchable.

  • SARDONIC: grimly mocking or cynical.

  • _______▹yeah...esen will make it rain with his sardonic comments and jokes.

  • RETICENT: given to keeping one's activities hidden from public observation or knowledge.

  • _______▹ he's wary of anyone he comes across. he always thinking of the consequences of sharing too much information. he only shares boring details about himself that will not affect him in the near future. gain his trust and he will provide more juicy details

  • SELF-SUPPRESSION engages in an activity to prevent, or suppress, troublesome thoughts or emotions.

  • _______▹ instead of talking about the things that plagues him emotionally and mentally, he has been participating in fight pits as a therapy. he doesn't do it for the prize, the attention, or the feeling of winning. he does it because the pain he feels when fighting distracts him from those vexing thoughts and emotions. drugs have been becoming something he frequently is taking

  • SURLY bad-tempered and unfriendly.

  • _______▹ he will admit he's a surly man with manners...

  • SELF-RELIANT reliant on one's own powers and resources rather than those of others.

  • _______▹ a lone wolf mentality that had stuck to him since his time in the legion. lately he's making an attempt to work in teams.

  • ELUSIVE: hard to find, capture, or isolate.

  • _______▹ esen doesn't stay in the same place for too long before going to a different location because of his new profession. he travels wherever the wind blows or where there will be profit.

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the history *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

He thought of himself as a Garlean. Raised in Landis from a young age by a distinguished Garlean family, it was not surprising he became selfish and a perfectionist. Even though he adopted their mannerism, pure blood Garleans constantly insulted him. Because of this, he had few friends. It wasn’t until many later years; he joined the IVth’s legion. He liked Noah’s idea of living in one nation where all races and social statuses were treated the same.
Believing the IVth's plan to create a new nation would grant him not only relevance but a place where he could belong, he devoted himself to Noah's dream and took it on as his own. Over the years, his own goals and wishes began to bleed into his leader's and mixed to the point that he no longer could say for sure what he truly wanted.
During the incursion of Dalmasca, he along with a small unit were dispatched to seize the Golmore Jungle. Along his path, he destroyed villages and captured survivors. "After all, this is for their own good." Or so he kept reciting to himself. He was ambushed by Wood Wardens when they ventured deeper. One of them got close enough to strike down his mask. With his face exposed, the Wood Warden called him an invasive atrocity. This was the first time he felt bewildered. The race that resembled him suddenly shared the same sentiment as the pure-blooded Garleans he’d grown up with. Unbeknownst to him, he was trapped between two worlds. One world where he was seen as a savage and another world where he was seen as an outsider.He withdrew with excruciating injuries. He felt defeated and frustrated, something he never underwent before. Since then, he became obsessed with the idea of never losing. His parents took advantage of his desperation for success that they offered him the chance to stay in their good graces by becoming a test subject. He didn't think it twice and volunteered. His physical strength and magical abilities were augmented thanks to the tests his body went through. At the same time, he was an instrument for gathering information for new projects. One of the said projects was the ability to pilot the flying armor Gabriel. Many test subjects died for this new war technique. He and a rare few subjects survived, and from their ‘service’ were the Gabriel pilots born.Just recently, when he thought he was close to achieving his dream, the IVth legion was destroyed. His entire world crumbled before him. His dream for equality slipped between the crack of his fingers like water. While half of the legion returned to the capital, unable to run away due to his prideful nature, he turned himself in. He felt angry and lost. He believed the legion was trying to do something good for the realm, but it proved to be more damaging. In the end, he was forced to confront his years of conquest and listen to the voices of those he helped oppress.Several months later, after turning himself over to Rumta-Zaraam, He had someone assigned to him to make sure he fulfilled his assignments. To this day, he still wants to live in a nation where all races are treated as equal, but this time he wants to do it his way to amend for what he did.

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the hooks *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

IVth legion clique
▹your character could have served under him, or he served under your character.
▹he was part of the magitek infantry and was a proto-pilot of the Gabriel project.
▹your character could have been one of the conscripts he captured, or his unit destroyed your character's village. he and his unit were mostly designated to south orthard region.
▹he fought against your character during the invasions!
▹before he joined the legion, he could be spotted in soirées. his father was a minister of finances.
Traveling Merchant
▹he doesn't dress like a merchant. Is he truly a merchant?
▹he might have come to your venue and provide his wares. most of his wares come from the continent of ilsabard, thavnair, and south orthard.
▹ he frequents market events.
▹ask him what he's selling!
▹he just became part of the wayward acquisitions.
If you want to see the end, push my buttons
▹ he's not a stranger to fighting pits. he frequents the following hotspots:
_______lawless lane
_______lion's maw
_______the whisky ginger
_______the crooked man
▹ he won't turn down any sparring sessions.
the whitebrim front incident...
▹ wip
▹ wip
show me what you got!
▹ this last hook is for us to exchange ideas. while i provided some hooks (i will think of more hooks later) i want to hear what kind of ideas do you have. i personally like to improvise with the other person. i find it more refreshing and interesting.
(updated on 7/1/2023)

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the NSFW hooks *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

some of these hooks are lore-bending. be warned! ⚠

legal but illegal
▹every so often he will be a supplier in the black market : kraken's cove
▹don't expect to recognize him; he takes care of his appearance and wears a disguise when partaking in black market events.
▹ he can provide the following illicit services and products. however, he doesn't ask for gil as a form of payment.
_______▹ contract killer
_______▹ assaults
_______▹ espionage
_______▹ informant
_______▹ p.e. drugs
_______▹ organs trafficking
_______▹ vigilantism
_______▹ extortion
successor of the ribcage
project [unknown] successfully develops soulkins using essence and preserved viscera from a former inheritor of the mantle of gunnhildr. this 12th generation is termed the 'alceidai', after an ancient mythological hero from the empire's predecessors.
bel is the product of this project. any scientist/or hypeturned soldiers that could have been part of this might watch their backs, because he's looking for them.
he needs aether from living beings to recharge his core. he has been known to hunt homeless and drunkards in the middle of the night to drain them.
not a vampyr or a voidsent, but has a gusto for blood?
pawn of blood and gil
he recently opened the door to the organized crime world. he welcomed what this world can do for him in order to fulfill his dream. he will be exposed to many situations that will force him to put his pride to the side, so he can build his own trading empire. expect to see him interacting or shaking hands with criminal figures throughout the star.
nsfw gallery
what do you want to see...?👁️👄👁️

• ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ 〈 the player *`━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

about me...!
█call me moody~! i'm 26+/est time.
█ i consider my literacy semi-lit to lazy-lit. i always try to provide interesting posts so the other person have something to work with. i ask of you to do the same in return. i don't have an exact paragraph count, but i promise you that i'm not an one-liner rper. oh! i can also rp in discord if you prefer!
█ since my roleplaying style is more literate, i don't do well in crowded fast pace venues, sorry! i do best with a group of 6 or less.
█ i like to use a d20 system when choosing my character's reaction/action. i do it because i enjoy the rng fact! i like to have twists and surprise when i rp. i want to add here i'm learning how to do combat rp. so if we throw hands, be patient;;
█ as much i like romance, i want it to be an organic attraction between our characters. this also applies to erp. i'm going to use a popular term i have seen floating around: slow burn romance. bonus = i'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope
█ i'm a sucker for dark/mature theme. however, let's keep it cute and discuss it before actually roleplaying it.i don't like to age discriminate, but when it comes to dark/mature themes, i will. be 21+!
█ before i forget, i want to clarify i'm not my character. let's be all grown up and remember ic≠ooc. talking about ooc, i want to also add that i will not accept any metagaming rper. just no! that's cheating! BV also no to ooc drama! i'm too old for that! communication is the key. let's express our frustration and dislikes.
█ Have You Heard Of The Critically Acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV? i'm sure you have. ffxiv is for us to escape the stress of the real world so let's keep it that way. there will be days when i want to do content than rp, so please respect how i spend sub BV then again, if you want to join me for content, then let's go!
█ last but not least, i'm looking for long term rp partners. if we click, i guarantee you are going to have a great friend! if you don't like it, keep your receipt and return me to the store.
(updated on 7/1/2023)